19,000+ Happy Owners

Keep your cat safe and protected for life with Oscillot®

Made in EU | 60 Day Money Back Guarantee | 3 Year Warranty | Free Shipping on orders over €700 | Made in EU | 60 Day Money Back Guarantee | 3 Year Warranty | Free Shipping on orders over €700 | Made in EU | 60 Day Money Back Guarantee | 3 Year Warranty | Free Shipping on orders over €700 | Made in EU | 60 Day Money Back Guarantee | 3 Year Warranty | Free Shipping on orders over €700 |

Endorsed By

Companion Animal Network - Australia CAN

Animal Welfare League Queensland

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MADE IN EU, the Original cat-proof fence system.

We are the Inventor of the spinning-paddle cat proof fence system. Engineered in Australia and manufactured to the highest standard in the European Union, our Cat-Proof Fence Kits are sold across Europe & internationally. Oscillot® is the #1 spinning cat proof fence system in the world!

Banyan Brown cat proof fence kit by Oscillot

Highest Quality Components. Made to Last for Years

Our cat proof fence system is designed for durability, ensuring it lasts a long time with minimal need for maintenance. Oscillot® machined components are crafted with high precision and use only the toughest materials to withstand harsh weather conditions. Whether faced with dust, rain, or snow, our system keeps on spinning.

Why do cat owners choose Oscillot?

Oscillot cat proof fence kits are protected by three year manufacturers warranty


Oscillot® is a premium product, we're happy to back it with a 3-year manufacturer's warranty. If there's a fault with any of the components, we'll replace them free of charge.

DIY Installation and removal - Oscillot cat proof fence kits


Oscillot® was designed for easy do-it-yourself installation. All you need are a few tools & a few hours of time. If you don't have the time, reach out to a local handyman of your choice and show them our detailed Installation Instructions.

No cages or nets - Oscillot Cat Proof Fence Kits


There are no cages, no nets & no electric currents to harm your kitty. Oscillot® is truly the most unobtrusive cat containment solution in the world

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